Monday, September 29, 2008


Left 1 more day to to end of Ramadan. Nenek was suppose to here in my house, sambut raye kat sini but dier pergi dulu. Kite ade mood nak raye then bile teringat nenek, mood hilang. So overall, we don't have that kind of mood to celebrate hari raya. It's going to be sunyi without nenek here. Nur rindu nenek lah. And the last thing Nur can do for nenek is mandi kan dier.

Besok lepas azan Maghgrib, sume ahli-ahli kubur akan kembali ke tempat asal. Confirm besok takbir, muke mesti basah. Crying lah. Syahdu kalau dengar takbir. Reasons because entah bile kite boleh jumpe Ramadan lagi and terkenang pade yang tiada.

Tomorrow after Maghrib ade kenduri arwah. Nenek nye 7 days. So fast. Nur still cannot believe that nenek dah meninggalkan kite sume. Nur cume boleh doakan untuk nenek and also atuk.

Now Nur is only left with 1 grandparent, paternal side. Nur is going to treasure every moment with every one, family, friends... all the loved ones.

So before ending, Nur di sini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Kalau ade salah dan silap, harap maaf kan.

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